Get benefited by hosting Shri Ram Katha to ensure a harmonious and blissful married life

We are organizing spiritual events around to the word based on ancient Indian Vedic literature delivering spiritual wisdom to overcome difficulties in the life. One can benefited through spiritual knowledge and wisdom for effective leadership & success in life.


  • Attain the wisdom equivalent of studying the eighteen Puranas
  • Attain solace in the foot of Lord Rama
  • Ensure overall prosperity and happiness of your family
  • Get rid of all your sins
  • Overcome all the doshas in birth chart and life
  • Ensure longevity in the family
  • Ensure good health for your family
  • Come over the cycle of birth and death (Achieve salvation)
  • Ensure good luck and success in every sphere of life
  • Get the power to leave behind the worldly attachments
  • It can put an end to the continuous circle of life & death
  • It helps one in overcoming ego problem
  • It gives you the power to follow the path of virtue
  • A person gets success in all his endeavours
  • It ensures overall prosperity & happiness of the child
  • Ensure a harmonious and blissful married life
  • Enhance your finance prospects
  • Attract wealth and prosperity

Shri Ram Katha is the Katha of God Ram, who is the 17th of Lord Vishnu’s 24 incarnations. The divine epics, such as Ramayana created by Maharishi Shri Valmikiji, and Shri Ramcharitmanas, compiled by Goswami Shri Tulsidas, reflect the life of Shri Ram. Valmiki Ramayana, highlights the human character of Lord Shri Ram and Shree Ramcharitmanas describes the human characteristics and doings of Shri Ram.

Shri Ram Katha is believed to be first, narrated to Parvati by Lord Shiva, which was also heard by Shri Kagabhushundi as a crow and was further narrated to many , including Lord Narayana’s vehicle Garuda.

He narrated Shri Ram Katha to his disciples and he also began to promote Ram Katha. Thus, the promotion of Shri Ram Katha began to gain prominence.

Sermonizing the narrations of Ramcharitmanans and Ramayan, through Shri Ram Kathas, to instill spirituality in the masses and guide them onto the path of righteousness.

Shri Ram Katha’s greatest lesson is how good can defeat the evil if it is strengthened by unity. Sri Ram Katha teaches us the way through every circumstance that leads us to a perfect life.

There are seven khands in Shri Ramcharitmanas which are Balakand, AyodhyaKand, Aranyakand, Kishandhakand, Sunderkand, Lanka and Uttarkand, respectively.

Lord Ram’s advent on earth aimed at the re-establishment of the Truth. He was truly the embodiment of Righteousness. His Life and journey was in perfect accordance with and adherence to “Sanatana Dharma” – the Eternal Truth. Despite rigorous trials posed by circumstances, time and again, He set forth an example of ideal living for the entire mankind.

Shri Ram personifies the characteristics of Purushottama – Right Action Man: RAM.

Lord Ram was an ideal son, an ideal brother, an ideal husband, an ideal friend, an ideal warrior, an ideal king and an ideal man. Thus, He is a paragon to be emulated. One should fully embrace Shri Ram’s virtues and must seek to sanctify every moment of one’s life by living up to them.

Hence, the very objective of Hari Shanker Pandey Sewa Samiti, under the divine guidance of Gurudev Shri Shri Sanjay Shastri Ji Maharaj, behind sermonizing the narrations of the great epics like Ramcharitmanans and Ramayan, through Shri Ram Kathas, on a large scale from place to place and time to time to instill spirituality in the masses and guide them onto the path of righteousness.

Interested in organizing Shri Ram Katha?

If you are interested in organizing Shri Ram Katha for your community or society or city or a group of people residing in a colony/apartment buildings,  please fill out the following form and one of our representatives will be with you shortly.