
  • Germany fought the First World War (1914–1918) along with the Austrian empire and against the Allies (England, France and Russia).
  • Germany initially made gains by occupying France and Belgium. However, the Allies won defeating Germany and the Central Powers in 1918.
  • Allies: The Allied Powers were initially led by the UK and France. In 1941  they were jointed by the USSR and USA. They fought against the Axis Powers , Namely Germany , Italy and Japan.
  • Under the shadow of the Second World War, Germany had waged a genocidal war. ( 6 millions Jews, 200000 Gypsices and 1 million Polish civilians and 70000  Germans were killed )
  • Genocidal - Mass murder of selected groups of innocent people.
  • The birth of Weimar Republic refers to the establishment of the democratic government in Germany after the end of the First World War. It took place in 1918 and lasted until 1933 when the Nazi party came into power. Background: Germany had been ruled by the monarchy for centuries until the end of WWI.
  • The effects of the war:
    •  Devastating ( भयानक ) impact on the entire continent both psychologically and financially.
    • Europe turned into one of debtors (यूरोप कर्जदारों में से एक बन गया).
    • The infant Weimar Republic was being made to pay for the sins of the old empire.)नवजात वाइमर गणराज्य को पुराने साम्राज्य के पापों की कीमत चुकानी पड़ रही थी)
    • The republic carried the burden of war guilt and national humiliation and was financially crippled by being forced to pay compensation. Those who supported the Weimar Republic, mainly Socialists, Catholics, and Democrats, became easy targets of attack in the conservative nationalist circles. (गणतंत्र ने युद्ध अपराधबोध और राष्ट्रीय अपमान का बोझ उठाया और मुआवजा देने के लिए मजबूर होने के कारण आर्थिक रूप से अपंग हो गया। वेइमर गणराज्य का समर्थन करने वाले, मुख्य रूप से समाजवादी, कैथोलिक और डेमोक्रेट, रूढ़िवादी राष्ट्रवादी हलकों में हमले का आसान निशाना बन गए।)
    • They were mockingly called the "November criminals". The First World War left a deep imprint on European society and polity. Politicians and publicists laid great stress on the need for men to be aggressive, strong, and masculine.
  • Political Radicalism and Economic Crisis – The birth of the Weimer Republic coincided with the uprising of the Spartacist League on the pattern of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. The Spartacists founded the Communist Party of Germany. Political radicalization was heightened by the economic crisis of 1923.राजनीतिक कट्टरवाद और आर्थिक संकट - वेइमर गणराज्य का जन्म रूस में बोल्शेविक क्रांति की तर्ज पर स्पार्टासिस्ट लीग के विद्रोह के साथ हुआ। स्पार्टासिस्टों ने जर्मनी की कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी की स्थापना की। 1923 के आर्थिक संकट से राजनीतिक कट्टरपंथ बढ़ गया था।
  • What Was The Effect of First World War On Germany: The Years of Depression
    • The years between 1924 and 1928 saw some stability. Yet this was built on sand. German investments and industrial recovery were totally dependent on short-term loans, largely from the USA.
    • This support was withdrawn when the Wall Street Exchange crashed in 1929. Fearing a fall in prices, people made frantic efforts to sell their shares.
    • This was the start of the Great Economic Depression. The German economy was the worst hit by the economic crisis. By 1932, industrial production was reduced to 40 percent of the 1929 level. Workers lost their jobs or were paid reduced wages.
    • The number of unemployed touched an unprecedented 6 million. As jobs disappeared, the youth took to criminal activities and total despair became commonplace. The economic crisis created deep anxieties and fears in people.
    • Only organized workers could manage to keep their heads above water, but unemployment weakened their bargaining power. Big business was in crisis. The large mass of peasantry was affected by a sharp fall in agricultural prices and women, unable to fill their children�s stomachs, were filled with a sense of deep despair. Politically too the Weimar Republic was fragile.
    • The Weimar constitution had some inherent defects, which made it unstable and vulnerable to dictatorship. One was proportional representation. This made achieving a majority by any one party a near-impossible task, leading to a rule by coalitions. Another defect was Article 48, which gave the President the powers to impose emergency, suspend civil rights, and rule by decree.
    • Within its short life, the Weimar Republic saw twenty different cabinets lasting on an average of 239 days, and liberal use of Article 48. Yet the crisis could not be managed. People lost confidence in the democratic parliamentary system, which seemed to offer no solutions.
  • The Weimer Republic had some inherent defects :1. Proportional Representation

    2. Article 48 — which gave the President the powers to impose emergency, suspend civil rights and rule by decree.

  • HITLER’S RISE TO POWERHitler was born in Austria in 1889. He earned many medals for bravery in the First World War. The German defeat horrified him. The Treaty of Versailles made him furious. He joined the German Workers Party and renamed it National Socialist German Workers’ Party. This later came to be known as the Nazi Party.

    Nazism became a mass movement only during the Great Depression. The Nazi propaganda stirred hopes of a better future. Hitler was a powerful and effective speaker. He promised the people a strong nation where all would get employment.His politics included the significant rituals and spectacle in mass mobilization. Nazi propaganda skillfully projected Hitler as a messiah, a saviour.

  • Hitler pulled out of the League of Nations in 1933, reoccupied the Rhineland in 1936 and integrated Austria and Germany in 1938 under the slogan : One people, One empire, One leader. Hitler ignored the Schacht’s advice of not to invest hugely in rearmament. He then took Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia. Hitler had the unspoken support of England.Hitler did not stop here. He chose war as a way out of the Economic Crisis.Resources were to be accumulated through expansion of territory. In September 1940 Germany invaded Poland. This started a war with France and England. USA resisted involvement in the war. But when Japan extended its support to Hitler and bombarded Pearl Harbour, the USA entered the war. The war ended in 1945 with Hitler’s defeat and the US bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

    According to Nazi ideology there was no equality between people, but only racial hierarchy. The Nazis quickly began to implement their dream of creating an exclusive racial community of pure Germans by physically eliminating all those who were considered undesirable. They wanted a society of pure and healthy Nordic Aryans. Jews, Gypsies, blacks, Russian, Poles, even certain Germans and abnormal were considered undesirable.

    The other aspect of Hitler’s ideology related to the geopolitical concept of Lebensraum, or living space.

    Jews were the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany. Hitler believed in pseudo scientific theories of race which said that conversion was no solution to the Jewish problem. It had to be solved through their total elimination.

    From 1933–1938 — the Nazis terrorized, pauperised and segregated the Jews, compelling them to leave the country.

    The next phase, 1939–1945, aimed at concentrating them in certain areas and then killing the min gas chambers in Poland.

    The Racial Utopia

    Genocide and war became two sides of the same coin. Occupied Poland was divided. Poles were forced to leave their homes and properties behind to be occupied by ethnic Germans brought in from occupied Europe.


    Hitler felt that a strong Nazi society could be established by teaching Nazi ideology to children.All schools were given German teachers. Children were divided into two groups — desirable and undesirable. Textbooks were rewritten, functions of sports in schools was to nurture the spirit of violence and aggression. Ten-year-olds had to enter Jungvolk. At 14, all boys joined ‘Hitler Youth’, they joined the Labour Service at 18.

    The Nazi Cult of Motherhood — Women were told to be good mothers and rear pure blooded Aryan children. They were encouraged to produce many children. They had to be the bearers of the Aryan culture and race.

  • नाज़ी विचारधारा के अनुसार लोगों के बीच कोई समानता नहीं थी, बल्कि केवल नस्लीय पदानुक्रम था। नाज़ियों ने उन सभी लोगों को शारीरिक रूप से समाप्त करके जिन्हें अवांछनीय माना जाता था, शुद्ध जर्मनों का एक विशिष्ट नस्लीय समुदाय बनाने के अपने सपने को तुरंत लागू करना शुरू कर दिया। वे शुद्ध और स्वस्थ नॉर्डिक आर्यों का समाज चाहते थे। यहूदी, जिप्सी, अश्वेत, रूसी, पोल्स, यहां तक ​​कि कुछ जर्मन और असामान्य लोगों को अवांछनीय माना जाता था।

    हिटलर की विचारधारा का दूसरा पहलू लेबेन्सरम, या रहने की जगह की भूराजनीतिक अवधारणा से संबंधित है।

    नाज़ी जर्मनी में यहूदी सबसे अधिक पीड़ित थे। हिटलर नस्ल के छद्म वैज्ञानिक सिद्धांतों में विश्वास करता था जिसमें कहा गया था कि धर्मांतरण यहूदी समस्या का समाधान नहीं है। इसे उनके संपूर्ण उन्मूलन के माध्यम से हल किया जाना था।

    1933-1938 तक - नाज़ियों ने यहूदियों को आतंकित किया, कंगाल किया और अलग कर दिया, जिससे उन्हें देश छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ा।

    अगले चरण, 1939-1945, का उद्देश्य उन्हें कुछ क्षेत्रों में केंद्रित करना और फिर पोलैंड में मिन गैस चैंबरों को नष्ट करना था।

    नस्लीय यूटोपिया

    नरसंहार और युद्ध एक ही सिक्के के दो पहलू बन गये। अधिकृत पोलैंड विभाजित हो गया। पोल्स को यूरोप के कब्जे से लाए गए जातीय जर्मनों द्वारा कब्जा करने के लिए अपने घरों और संपत्तियों को छोड़ने के लिए मजबूर किया गया था।

    नाज़ी जर्मनी में युवा

    हिटलर को लगा कि बच्चों को नाजी विचारधारा सिखाकर एक मजबूत नाजी समाज की स्थापना की जा सकती है। सभी स्कूलों को जर्मन शिक्षक दिए गए। बच्चों को दो समूहों में विभाजित किया गया - वांछनीय और अवांछनीय। पाठ्यपुस्तकों को फिर से लिखा गया, स्कूलों में खेल का कार्य हिंसा और आक्रामकता की भावना को बढ़ावा देना था। दस साल के बच्चों को जुंगवोल्क में प्रवेश करना पड़ा। 14 साल की उम्र में सभी लड़के 'हिटलर यूथ' में शामिल हो गए, 18 साल की उम्र में वे श्रम सेवा में शामिल हो गए।

    मातृत्व का नाज़ी पंथ - महिलाओं को अच्छी माँ बनने और शुद्ध रक्त वाले आर्य बच्चों का पालन-पोषण करने के लिए कहा गया था। उन्हें कई बच्चे पैदा करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया गया। उन्हें आर्य संस्कृति और नस्ल का वाहक बनना था।

  • The Art of Propaganda — The Nazi regime used language and media with care and often to great effect. They used films, pictures, radio, posters, etc. to spread hatred for Jews. Nazism worked on the minds of the people, tapped their emotions, and turned their hatred and anger at those marked as ‘undesirable’.

    Crimes against Humanity — People saw the world through Nazi eyes and spoke the Nazi language. At times even the Jews began to believe in the Nazi stereotypes about them.

    Knowledge about the Holocaust —It was only after the war ended that people came to know about what had happened. The Jews wanted the world to know about the atrocities and sufferings they had endured during the Nazi killing operations. They just wanted to live, even if it was for a few hours, to tell the world about the Holocaust.

  • प्रचार की कला - नाज़ी शासन ने भाषा और मीडिया का उपयोग सावधानी से और अक्सर बड़े प्रभाव के साथ किया। उन्होंने यहूदियों के प्रति नफरत फैलाने के लिए फिल्मों, चित्रों, रेडियो, पोस्टरों आदि का इस्तेमाल किया। नाज़ीवाद ने लोगों के दिमाग पर काम किया, उनकी भावनाओं का दोहन किया, और 'अवांछनीय' के रूप में चिह्नित लोगों के प्रति उनकी नफरत और गुस्से को बदल दिया।

    मानवता के विरुद्ध अपराध - लोग दुनिया को नाज़ी नज़रों से देखते थे और नाज़ी भाषा बोलते थे। कभी-कभी यहूदी भी उनके बारे में नाजी रूढ़िवादिता पर विश्वास करने लगे।

    प्रलय के बारे में ज्ञान - युद्ध समाप्त होने के बाद ही लोगों को पता चला कि क्या हुआ था। यहूदी चाहते थे कि दुनिया नाज़ी हत्या अभियानों के दौरान उनके द्वारा सहे गए अत्याचारों और पीड़ाओं के बारे में जाने। वे दुनिया को नरसंहार के बारे में बताने के लिए बस जीना चाहते थे, भले ही वह कुछ घंटों के लिए ही क्यों न हो।

Questions & Answers

Very Short Long Answers:

Question 1. The Great Depression was a period of _______ .
Answer: Economic crisis

Question 2. What is the German Parliament known as ?
Answer: The German Parliament is known as the Reichstag.

Question 3. A camp where people were isolated and detained without due process of law, referred to as ______ .
Answer: Concentration camp

Question 4. Which Article of the Weimar Constitution gave the President the powers to impose emergency, suspend civil rights and rule by decree ?
Answer: Article 48

Question 5. Who offered the chancellorship to Hitler on 30 January 1933 ?
Answer: President Hindenburg

Question 6. People of Weimar Republic lost confidence in the democratic _______ .
Answer: Parliamentary system

Question 7. The Nazi Party had become largest party by _______ .
Answer: 1932

Question 8.The Tripartite Pact was signed between Germany, Japan and _______ .
Answer: Italy

Question 9. Nazi propaganda projected _______ .
Answer: Hitler as a messiah

Question 10. Nazi youth groups for children below 14 years of age were called _______ .
Answer: Jungvolk

Question 11. What was Auschwitz ?
Answer: Auschwitz was the centre for mass killing during Nazi rule.

Question 12. What was the original name of Nazi party ?
Answer: The National Socialist German Workers Party.

Question 13. The gas chambers that looked like bathrooms, equipped with fake shower heads, were labelled as _ .
Answer: Disinfection areas

Question 14.How did Hitler view war ?
Answer: Hitler viewed war as the way out of the approaching economic crisis.

Long Answers:

Question 1: Describe the problems faced by the Weimar Republic.

The problems faced by the Weimar Republic were as follows:

  1. The Weimar constitution had Inherent drawbacks making the Weimar Republic fragile.
    • One was proportional representation which made it difficult for any party to get a majority leading to coalition governments.
    • Article 48, which gave the President the power to rule by decree, suspend civil rights and to impose an emergency.
      People lost confidence in a democratic parliamentary system.
  2. The Weimar Republic was not received well by the people because of the terms it was forced to accept at Versailles at the end of the First World War. It was a harsh and humiliating treaty that Germany had to accept with the Allies. Many people held the Weimar Republic responsible for the defeat in the war and for accepting the terms of the Treaty of Versailles,
  3. In 1923 Germany refused to pay reparation payments and the French occupied its leading industrial area, the Ruhr, to claim their coal. Germany offered passive resistance and printed paper currency. With too much paper currency in circulation, the value of the German mark fell. The situation is called hyperinflation.
  4. The Weimar Republic had to face another economic crisis. The USA Withdrew her support when Wall Street Exchange crashed in 1929. German economy was the worst hit by the economic crisis. Workers lost their jobs or were paid reduced wages. The number of unemployed reached 6 million. The economic crisis created a feeling of fear among the people.

वाइमर गणराज्य के सामने आने वाली समस्याएँ इस प्रकार थीं:

वाइमर संविधान में अंतर्निहित कमियां थीं जो वाइमर गणराज्य को नाजुक बनाती थीं।
एक आनुपातिक प्रतिनिधित्व था जिसने गठबंधन सरकारों के लिए किसी भी पार्टी के लिए बहुमत हासिल करना मुश्किल बना दिया।
अनुच्छेद 48, जो राष्ट्रपति को डिक्री द्वारा शासन करने, नागरिक अधिकारों को निलंबित करने और आपातकाल लगाने की शक्ति देता है।
लोगों का लोकतांत्रिक संसदीय प्रणाली से विश्वास उठ गया।
प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के अंत में वर्साय में शर्तों को स्वीकार करने के लिए मजबूर होने के कारण वाइमर गणराज्य को लोगों द्वारा अच्छी तरह से स्वीकार नहीं किया गया था। यह एक कठोर एवं अपमानजनक संधि थी जिसे जर्मनी को मित्र राष्ट्रों के साथ स्वीकार करना पड़ा। कई लोगों ने युद्ध में हार और वर्साय की संधि की शर्तों को स्वीकार करने के लिए वाइमर गणराज्य को जिम्मेदार ठहराया,
1923 में जर्मनी ने क्षतिपूर्ति भुगतान देने से इनकार कर दिया और फ्रांसीसियों ने अपने कोयले पर दावा करने के लिए इसके प्रमुख औद्योगिक क्षेत्र रुहर पर कब्जा कर लिया। जर्मनी ने निष्क्रिय प्रतिरोध की पेशकश की और कागजी मुद्रा छापी। प्रचलन में बहुत अधिक कागजी मुद्रा के कारण, जर्मन चिह्न का मूल्य गिर गया। इस स्थिति को अति मुद्रास्फीति कहा जाता है।
वाइमर गणराज्य को एक और आर्थिक संकट का सामना करना पड़ा। 1929 में वॉल स्ट्रीट एक्सचेंज के दुर्घटनाग्रस्त होने पर संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका ने अपना समर्थन वापस ले लिया। आर्थिक संकट से जर्मन अर्थव्यवस्था सबसे बुरी तरह प्रभावित हुई। श्रमिकों की नौकरियाँ चली गईं या उन्हें कम वेतन दिया गया। बेरोजगारों की संख्या 60 लाख तक पहुंच गई. आर्थिक संकट ने लोगों में भय की भावना पैदा कर दी।

Question 2: Discuss why Nazism became popular in Germany by 1930.
Solution: In 1919 Adolph Hitler took over the German Workers’ Party and called it the Nazi Party, giving birth to Nazism in Germany. During the Great Economic Depression Nazism became very popular. The Nazi Propaganda which was very unique helped in making Nazism very popular. In his powerful speeches, Hitler promised to build a strong nation, restore the dignity of the Germans and provide employment for all. Numerous public meetings were held by the Nazi Party to instil unity among the people.

The red banners, the Nazi salute, and the rounds of applause attracted the people and Nazism became very popular. The Meetings projected Hitler as a saviour of Germany. The German people who were shattered after the First World War believed him.

1919 में एडोल्फ हिटलर ने जर्मन वर्कर्स पार्टी पर कब्ज़ा कर लिया और इसे नाज़ी पार्टी कहा, जिससे जर्मनी में नाज़ीवाद को जन्म मिला। महान आर्थिक मंदी के दौरान नाज़ीवाद बहुत लोकप्रिय हो गया। नाज़ी प्रचार जो बहुत अनोखा था, ने नाज़ीवाद को बहुत लोकप्रिय बनाने में मदद की। अपने शक्तिशाली भाषणों में, हिटलर ने एक मजबूत राष्ट्र बनाने, जर्मनों की गरिमा बहाल करने और सभी के लिए रोजगार प्रदान करने का वादा किया। लोगों के बीच एकता पैदा करने के लिए नाज़ी पार्टी द्वारा कई सार्वजनिक बैठकें आयोजित की गईं।

लाल बैनर, नाज़ी सलामी और तालियों की गड़गड़ाहट ने लोगों को आकर्षित किया और नाज़ीवाद बहुत लोकप्रिय हो गया। बैठकों में हिटलर को जर्मनी के उद्धारकर्ता के रूप में पेश किया गया। प्रथम विश्व युद्ध के बाद टूटे हुए जर्मन लोगों ने उन पर विश्वास किया।

What are the peculiar features of Nazi thinking?
The peculiar features of Nazi thinking are as follows.

  1. Nazi ideology was the same as Hitler’s worldview. According to this there was no equality between people but only a racial hierarchy. In this view blond, blue-eyed Nordic German Aryans were at the top called ‘desirables’ while Jews (undesirables) were placed at the lowest rung. Hitler’s racism was influenced by thinkers like Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer. The Nazi argument was simple: ‘The strongest race would survive, the weak ones would perish’.
  2. Hitler believed in Lebensraum or living space. New territories had to be conquered to increase the living space.
  3. Nazis wanted a society of pure and healthy Nordic Aryans. It meant that even those Germans who were seen as impure or abnormal had no right to live. Under the Euthanasia Programme, the Nazi condemned to death many Germans, who were mentally or physically unfit.
  4. As soon as Hitler came to power he tried to eliminate the undesirables and the gypsy. The Nazis proceeded to realise their murderous racial ideals.
  5. Jews remained the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany. They were called ‘undesirables’. Hitler’s hatred for Jews was based on pseudoscientific theories of race, which held conversion was no solution. They should be completely eliminated.

Question-4 Explain why Nazi propaganda was effective in creating a hatred for Jews.
Solution: Films were made to create hatred for the Jews. The film, ‘The Eternal Jew’, showed the Jews with flowing beards and dressed in kaftans. The Jews were referred to as vermin, rats, and pests. Nazi propaganda compared the Jews to rodents.

Orthodox Jews were stereotyped as killers of Christ and money lenders. Stereotypes about Jews were even popularised through maths classes. Children were taught to hate the Jews. The Nazi propaganda against the Jews was so effective that people felt anger and hatred surge inside them when they saw someone who looked like a Jew.

यहूदियों के प्रति नफरत पैदा करने के लिए फिल्में बनाई गईं. फिल्म, 'द इटरनल ज्यू' में यहूदियों को बढ़ी हुई दाढ़ी और काफ्तान पहने हुए दिखाया गया था। यहूदियों को कीड़े-मकौड़े, चूहे और कीड़े-मकौड़े कहा जाता था। नाजी प्रचार ने यहूदियों की तुलना कृंतकों से की।

रूढ़िवादी यहूदियों को ईसा मसीह के हत्यारे और साहूकारों के रूप में चित्रित किया गया था। यहूदियों के बारे में रूढ़िवादिता को गणित की कक्षाओं के माध्यम से भी लोकप्रिय बनाया गया। बच्चों को यहूदियों से नफरत करना सिखाया गया। यहूदियों के खिलाफ नाजी प्रचार इतना प्रभावी था कि जब लोग यहूदी जैसे दिखने वाले किसी व्यक्ति को देखते थे तो उनके अंदर गुस्सा और नफरत बढ़ जाती थी।

Question-5 Explain what role women had in Nazi society. Return to Chapter 1 on the French Revolution. Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the role of women in the two periods.
Solution: In Nazi Germany, boys were told to be aggressive and steel-hearted, girls were told that they had to become good mothers and rear pure-blooded Aryan children. Girls had to protect the purity of German race. They had to look after their homes and Nazi values had to be taught to the children.

Women who produced ‘desirable children’ were awarded. They got better treatment in hospitals, and got concessions in shops, on theatre tickets and railway fares. Honour crosses were awarded to women. A bronze cross was awarded to women for four children, silver cross for six children and gold for eight or more children.

नाज़ी जर्मनी में, लड़कों को आक्रामक और फौलादी कहा जाता था, लड़कियों को कहा जाता था कि उन्हें अच्छी माँ बनना है और शुद्ध खून वाले आर्य बच्चों का पालन-पोषण करना है। लड़कियों को जर्मन जाति की पवित्रता की रक्षा करनी थी। उन्हें अपने घरों की देखभाल करनी थी और बच्चों को नाजी मूल्यों की शिक्षा देनी थी।

'वांछनीय बच्चे' पैदा करने वाली महिलाओं को सम्मानित किया गया। उन्हें अस्पतालों में बेहतर इलाज मिला, और दुकानों में, थिएटर टिकटों और रेलवे किराए पर रियायतें मिलीं। महिलाओं को ऑनर ​​क्रॉस प्रदान किए गए। महिलाओं को चार बच्चों के लिए कांस्य क्रॉस, छह बच्चों के लिए सिल्वर क्रॉस और आठ या अधिक बच्चों के लिए स्वर्ण क्रॉस प्रदान किया गया।

Question-6 In what ways did the Nazi state seek to establish total control over its people?
Solution: The Nazi state tried to establish total control over its people. Special forces were created to control the society, in the way Nazis wanted. Apart from SA or the Storm Troopers, and regular police, who wore a green uniform, these included the Gestapo (secret state police) and SS (the protection squads), criminal police, and the Security Service (SD). They were given extra-constitutional powers, that gave the Nazi state its reputation as the most dreaded criminal state. People were tortured in Gestapo chambers and sent to concentration camps. People were arrested without any legal procedures.

नाज़ी राज्य ने अपने लोगों पर पूर्ण नियंत्रण स्थापित करने का प्रयास किया। समाज को नियंत्रित करने के लिए विशेष बल बनाए गए, जैसा कि नाज़ी चाहते थे। एसए या स्टॉर्म ट्रूपर्स और नियमित पुलिस के अलावा, जिन्होंने हरी वर्दी पहनी थी, इनमें गेस्टापो (गुप्त राज्य पुलिस) और एसएस (सुरक्षा दस्ते), आपराधिक पुलिस और सुरक्षा सेवा (एसडी) शामिल थे। उन्हें अतिरिक्त-संवैधानिक शक्तियाँ दी गईं, जिससे नाजी राज्य को सबसे खतरनाक आपराधिक राज्य के रूप में प्रतिष्ठा मिली। गेस्टापो कक्षों में लोगों पर अत्याचार किया गया और एकाग्रता शिविरों में भेज दिया गया। लोगों को बिना किसी कानूनी प्रक्रिया के गिरफ्तार किया गया।


1. Birth of the Weimar Republic

  1. The Effects of the War
  2. Political Radicalism and Economic Crises
  3. The Years of Depression

2. Hitler’s Rise to Power

  1. The Destruction of Democracy
  2. Reconstruction

3. The Nazi Worldview

  1. Establishment of the Racial State
  2. The Racial Utopia

4. Youth in Nazi Germany

  1. The Nazi Cult of Motherhood
  2. The Art of Propaganda

5. Ordinary People and the Crimes Against Humanity

  1. Knowledge about the Holocaust