Test your knowledge Name Email Mobile A presentation is a collection of ............................ that are arranged in a sequential manner There are seven views available in PowerPoint 2019 True False Which function key is used to start slide show? a) F9 b) F5 c) F10 In which view do you get the outline pane? a) Normal View b) Slide Sorter View c) Outline View Which of the following required a network service to start the Slide Show? a) Present Online b) Custom Slide Show c) From Beginning Which of the following option is used to create a Slide Zoom? a) Zoom b) Slide Zoom c) Zoom Slide Which feature finds the information related to the selected item on the web, without forcing the users to open up an internet browser? a) Ink Annotation b) Smart Lookup c) Ink Equation On which tab do you find the Screen Recording option A. View B. Insert C. Edit Most of the View buttons are present in the ......................................group The................................................... is the feature using which you can add math equations into your presentation. The............................... view displays a miniature view of all the slides of a presentation. I am the main editing view used to create and design the slides. :- ........................................................... I can show you the notes that you can include in a slide . :- .................................................. Aaryan wants to create a Photo Album in which he wants to import six different pictures as six different slides. But he does not know how to do this.List the steps to help Aaryan do the same. Roopali has created a presentation with sixteen slides. Her teacher asked her to display all the slides on a single screen. Help Roopali in selecting the appropriate view. How is Photo Album useful? What is the use ot the Ink Annotation? What is the use of the Slide Sorter View? State the difference between the Normal View and Outline View. Explain the utility of the Smart Lookup. WHat are Comments? How are they useful? The Lasso Select tool is used to select objects. True False To move to the next slide in the Slide SHow View, the Esc key is used. True False Usiing the Notes Page View, you can incluse the notes in the presentation that you can send to the audience. True False Comments in a slide cannot be turned off. True False Using Ink to Shape tool , you can convert the hand drawn shapes into uniform geometric shapes. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3