• Communication is a process that involves sharing of information, opinions , ideas , and beliefs between two or more persons through continuous activities of speaking, listening , and understanding.
  • Method of Communication:  1.0) Verbal   2.0) Non-Verbal     3.0)  Visual
  • Verbal Communication : Language is the most essential tool. These are two types:
    • Oral Communication : Two-way process to speak and listen for sharing the information
    • Written Communication : Communicating through words. Used for official purposes as a evidence. i.e. letters , reports , memos , circulars , manuals, questionnaires etc.
    • Factors to improve Communication Skills
      • Speech
      • Vocabulary
      • Rhythm
      • Tone
      • Pitch
    • Intrapersonal Communication
      • Private
      • silent conversations
      • Ex. writing a diary or a personal journal
    • Interpersonal Communication
      • Information exchange between two individuals
      • It can be further classified based on number of participants:
        • Dynamic Communication: Communication between 2 people. i.e. 2 frds , f-t-f meeting , 2 people email exchange/telephone call
        • Small Group Communication: Communication between more than two people. ie. conference , seminar etc.
        • Public Communication: When one individual addresses a large gathering of people.. i.e. public speeches.
  • Functions of Verbal Communication
    • Enables people to symbolically represent objects , ideas , places , and so on...
    • Helps to maintain relationships
    • Helps to organize Complex Ideas and Experiences into Meaningful Categories.
    • Helps to define Reality
    • Helps to Think
    • Can be used to reward and punish.
  • Non-Verbal Communication
    • Happens in the absence of any oral or composed words.
    • Ex. Body Movements , gestures , facial expressions , symbols, images, signal charts etc.
    • Factors  effective non-verbal communications: 
      • use a variety of appropriate facial expressions while communicating with people.
      • Try to make eye contact while speaking
      • Vary your vocal pattern and avoid a monotonous vocal range.
      • Avoid defensive gestures
      • Refrain from fidgeting with your hands or clothes.
  • Functions of Non-Verbal Communication
    • to reinforce verbal communication.
    • to replace verbal communication using behaviors that are easily recognized by others.
    • cues to communicate emotions.
    • to give feedback to the other person.
  • Non-verbal practices to follow during an interview
    • Maintain eye contact
    • Smile and nod when the interviewer is taking
    • Be polite and keep an even tone to your speech
    • Do not slouch while sitting.
    • Keep your feet on the floor and your back against the lower back of the chair.
    • Be attentive to whatever the interviewer is saying or asking.
    • Do not interrupt your interviewer
  • Visual Communication 
    • Information in the forms that can be seen through the eyes.