Key Concepts

  • Ashoka ruled was funded by his grandfather, Chandragupta Maurya, more than 2300 years ago.
  • Chandragupta was supported by Chanakya or Kautilya ( Arthashastra book).
  • Mauryas were a dynasty with 3 rulers: Chandragupta , his son Bindusara and Bindusara's son Ashoka.
  • Capitals: Pataliputra , Taxila , Ujjain.
  • Officials were appointed to collect taxes from farmers,herders,crafts persons and traders.
  • Royal princes were often sent as governors, local customs and rules were followed.
  • Tribute: Unlike taxes, which were collected from people who gave a variety of things,more or less willingly.
  • Megasthenes : an Ambassador sent to the court of Chandragupta by  the Greek Ruler Seleucus Nicator.
  • Ashoka's inscriptions were in Prakrit and written in Brahmi script.
  • Ashoka fought a war to conquer Kalinga (Ancient name of coastal Orissa ).
  • Dhamma ( Prakrit Word) = Dharma ( Sanskrit Word).
  • Ashoka appointed officials, to solve problems known as dhamma mahamatta.
  • Ashoka spread  ideas about dhamma to other lands , such as Syria , Egypt , Greece and Sri Lanka.
  • About 2400 years ago, emperors in China began building the Great Wall. Wall is about 6400 km long and is made of stone and brick.

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